
8 sign you are feeling the effects of Imposter Syndrome in your photography business.


Imposter Syndrome, what is it?

Its all honestly, its your brain being an ass.. its making you doubt your skills and abilities which it has no business doing!! It makes you feel worried that you’ll be exposed as a fraud…of which you are not…not.at. all

🌟 1. Worrying about what other people think about you.

If we don’t feel good enough about what we are doing, we will look for validation from others, and if it doesn’t come, it just make us feel unworthy, not good at what we do. If someone criticises you or doesn’t like what you do, it doesn’t mean anything other than they aren’t your person, and that’s ok. Always go back to your values, your ‘youness’ and your ideal clients, they like what you do and your business, that’s your goal.

🌟 2. Fear of being found out

You feel like you really don’t know what you are doing / Not qualified / Dont know everything about studio light / Not great with PSHere is a secret… everyone feels the same, no one knows what they are doing, things don’t have to be perfect,…nothing and no one is.

🌟 3. Resistance to change / fear of failure, it leads us to stay in the same routine, not try anything new, not change anything.

It goes without saying that this limits your opportunities, why try new things in your business when the current way of doing things is working ok… not broken don’t fix it?....but for growth and development you’ll need to leave your comfort place. That awkward zone is where we do our best growing and where we learn so much about ourselves.

🌟 4. Assuming anyone can do what you can do. What you do comes naturally to you, you love what you do…so why would anyone pay?

Guess what, not everyone can do what you do! Just because you love what you do and its easy for you…doesn’t mean you shouldnt be charging your worth.

🌟 5. You questioning your business when things start to get difficult…

maybe you should go and get another job? Have you had that thought before? I know I did in the early days. When it gets tough and it feels to much or too big…we go and look at something else that makes us feel better. We doubt why we do what we do, but always remember your WHY.

🌟6. Holding off doing something in your business until everything is perfect.

This goes back to what can be a mixture of overwhelm fear of failure, go back to that task with a positive outlook… failure at a task is not failure full stop, you’ll learn from everything you action, you’ll take something from everything you do in business.

🌟7. P R O C R A S T I N A T I O N - see all of the above!

Its like fear/overwhelm/imposter syndrome all wrapped up in one….if its none of those…it can be burnout, frustration that’s things aren’t going how you’d like…that’s ok, take sometime to reset… I find mine is usually from overwhelm … no one escapes the phycological side effects of being in business, especially creatives.

🌟8. Comparisonitis... absolutely the thief of joy.

This can make you feel like you don’t know enough, you aren’t busy enough, you aren’t at that same point in your business….BUT this is wasted energy…we all walk this walk at different speeds and from different starting points ..and the best thing you can bring to your business is YOU.

Annnnd to let you know I was putting this post together whilst home schooling... learning a song …and dance…about the days of the week, then making a birthday lunch, then finding out that Mario can throw his hat and turn into whatever it lands on….every day is a learning day.

We are all doing the best we can in challenging times, so don’t be too hard on yourself, Imposter syndrome is just one thing you don’t need to ‘enjoy’.Acknowledge it, say hi if you like… then push it away… you aren’t an imposter… you are exactly you and that’s all you need to be. ☺️

What I like about it.... What?! I like imposter syndrome?

I know, crazy. I love the fact that when you have this feeling, it’s has an actual name, so instead of just feeling this thing that you don’t know what it is....you can address it much easier by referring to it as it’s name.

Why else do I like Imposter Syndrome? It usually comes to me when I’m doing something out of my comfort zone, usually something big and something that challenges me...but that’s a good thing, it means growth and learning more about your self and your ability.

It usually appears in the evening when I’m feeling tired from the day. I give it it’s time, acknowledge its there, say hi, then I move on and direct my thoughts elsewhere.

Everyone has this popping up at varying levels, even celebrities like Tom Hanks....TOM HANKS!.....dont beat yourself up about it...its totally normal, your not alone...again... Tom Hanks?!

Incase you landed on this page before any others, let me introduce myself.. My name is Seona Misumi, I'm a photographer, trainer and business coach.

Get in touch if you are looking for help with your photography business, I offer natural newborn photography training days, IPS training workshops and business coaching plans.

I'll look forward to hearing from you, Seona 🙂

If you'd like to learn more about how to slay that imposter, click the button to read about my personalised business coaching
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